Practice team

Management Team

Roxie Frost – Practice Manager

Heather Wyman – Lead Nurse

Dr Santiago Nieto Dagrallo – Clinical Lead GP

Daniel Freeman – Head of Operations

Sri Putti – GPSU Manager (Interim)


Virinder Bual – GPSU Clinical Pharmacist

Deborah Boddington and Jade Murray-Dunstan – Reception Team Leaders

Janice Brazier and Kirsty West – Medical Records Team Leaders

Katherine Jay and Sharon Avola – Patient Liaison Officers

Fayyaz Rashid  Prescription Clerk Team Lead

Receptionists and administration

At the practice our reception and administration team consists of 21 medical receptionists and 7 administrators.


Our secretary team consists of 3 secretaries.

Prescription clerk team

At the practice, our prescription clerk team consists of 4 prescription clerks.