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Leighton-Linslade Health Connections

We are the Primary Care Network (PCN) for Leighton Buzzard and support our three member practices, Bassett Road Surgery, Leighton Road Surgery and Salisbury House Surgery. Formally known as The Leighton Buzzard PCN, we offer various primary care support roles (including blood tests and health checks) to help our patients take ownership of their healthcare and connect them to their community.

Our social prescribers carry out community outreach work with the local community and voluntary groups. We utilise the personalised care model by working with you to help achieve your own goals, at your pace and focusing on what’s most important to you.

Our clinical directors are Dr John Henderson (Bassett Road Surgery) and Dr Christopher Longstaff (Bassett Road Surgery). They work with the PCN manager, Stephanie King and the practice managers of all the member practices.

Leighton-Linslade Health Connections services

For more information about our Physiotherapy service listed below, please view our PCN Physiotherapy page.

PhlebotomyDailyPre-bookable via your surgeryLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
ECG’sTwo clinics per weekPre-bookable via your surgeryLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Respiratory DiagnosticsWeeklyReferral to us from your GP – we will contact you to arrange the appointmentLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
PhysiotherapyDailyPre-bookable via your surgery and on the day as part of our on the day serviceAppointments held a both Leighton Buzzard Health Centre and your usual practice – please check when booking.
Duty PharmacistDailyBookable on the day only via your surgery – urgent appointments only.Telephone call appointments
Carers Health ChecksAd-hocWe will contact you to make an appointment – please ensure you let your surgery know you are a carer for someone.Leighton Buzzard Health Centre
Physical Health Checks for those with a mental illnessAd-hocWe will contact you to make an appointmentLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Learning Disability Annual Health ChecksWeeklyWe will contact you to make an appointmentLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Medication ReviewsDailyYou will either be booked in by your practice or we will contact you to make the appointmentTelephone call appointments
Discharge ServiceDailyWe will call you to see how you are doing (over 18’s) and check medication if requiredTelephone call appointments
Cervical Screening (Smear)appointments      DailyWe will call you to book your appointment if you are overdue (25–30-year-olds / 59+ years) Appointments at your usual surgery
Childhood VaccinationsDailyWe will call you to book your appointment (if your child(ren) are overdue)Appointments at your usual surgery
Care Home EnquiriesDailyCare homes contact us for medication queries, resident queriesTelephone calls & visits
Care Home ECGs     Ad-HocWe visit care homes to carry out ECGs for the residents requiring the testVisit to the Care home
Care Home Care Plans Ad-hocWe visit care homes to ensure residents have a care planVisit to the Care home
Hypertension Optimisation Ad-hocWe will call you to book your appointment/speak to you or send you a messageTelephone call / message
Statin Optimisation  Ad-hocWe will call you to book your appointment/speak to you Telephone call
Complex Cholesterol ManagementFortnightlyWe will call you if you are suitable for the injection and book an appointmentLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Social PrescribingDailyReferral to us from your GP or self-referral by contacting us directly – we will then contact you to arrange the appointmentTelephone call, Leighton Buzzard Health Centre, home visit for housebound residents, community group meeting.
Health CoachingDailyReferral to us from your GP – we will then contact you to arrange the appointmentTelephone call, Leighton Buzzard Health Centre
Smoking CessationAd-hocReferral to us from your GP or self-referral by contacting us directly – we will then contact you to arrange the appointmentTelephone call, Leighton Buzzard Health Centre
Cancer Care ReviewsWeeklyWe will call you to provide information to you re where to find help if you need it, from Primary CareTelephone call
Minor Illness ClinicDailyOn the day booking for acute minor illness.  Book through your registered practiceLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Minor Ailments ClinicThree clinics per week, specific conditions: Sore Throat/Earache/ Hayfever/Conjunctivitis/UTI/Cystitis/ Bites and StingsOn the day bookings through your registered practiceLeighton Buzzard Health Centre
Collaboration with Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue ServiceWeekly referrals for those who meet the criteriaWe will call you to request consent to referIn your own home from BF&S

Contact Leighton-Linslade Health Connections

01525 300780 – please note all our calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.


Leighton Buzzard Health Centre, 25 Bassett Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1AR

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